Our Vision

An inclusive, democratic and sovereign Syria, of whose citizens are all equal under the rule of law.

Our Values

We stand behind

Syria is strong in its diversity and pluralism.
Syria is an independent country enjoying full sovereignty over its entire territory.
All citizens of Syria have  the right to live in dignity, with equal rights, responsibilities, and opportunities, regardless of their gender, ethnicity, religion, language, political opinions, or other factors.
Syria upholds the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, including freedom of expression and assembly, and freedom of religion and belief.
Syria protects women’s rights, and women play a leading role in public affairs.
Syria protects children’s rights and prioritises their education.
Syria is committed to democratic governance, rule of law, transparency, and accountability, with separation of executive, legislative and judiciary powers, and an independent judiciary.
Syria rejects all forms of violence, extremism, terrorism, and racism, and contributes to a just regional and international peace.
Syria is open to the world with diplomatic, economic, and cultural relations contributing to its prosperity.
Syrian Civil Society plays a key role in attaining the governance that guarantees these principles, in exercising oversight and accountability, and in contributing to public policymaking.

Our Mission

To protect our civic space and support the pioneering role of civil society in building Syria’s future