The conference brought together over 200 Syrian civic actors representing 170 organisations in Syria's civic space which encompasses a wide range of sectors and geographical areas, both inside and outside the country. The conference was also attended by more than 100 distinguished guests, including diplomats representing the European Union, United Kingdom, France, Germany, the Netherlands, Italy, Austria, Switzerland, the United States, Canada, Turkey, and Qatar. Representatives from the Office of the UN Special Envoy for Syria, the Syrian Negotiation Commission, as well as influential Syrian leaders and decision-makers from international non-governmental organisations and think tanks focused on Syrian affairs, also took part in the conference. 

Day One:

On the first day of the conference, Syrian civic actors convened in nine working groups to engage in fruitful discussions about the prospects of our collective work under the Madaniya umbrella. These groups explored the priorities of civic work in Syria in the short, medium, and long terms, identifying opportunities for collaboration to advance solutions. We have diligently compiled detailed notes from these discussions and are currently conducting a critical analysis to identify actionable entry points. 

Day Two:

On the second day, we welcomed our guests and presented four panel discussions that delved into the concept of reclaiming the political agency of the Syrian civic space across the justice and accountability, relief and development, and political tracks concerning the future of Syria. We explored the roles through which civic actors can influence these tracks, contributing to shaping the future of Syria based on our shared values. 

What do we mean by Reclaiming Political Agency?

Reclaiming political agency within the Syrian civic space, under the umbrella of Madaniya, does not imply an intention to replace the existing Syrian bodies engaged in the political processes outlined by UN Security Council Resolution 2254. Rather, it seeks to complement their efforts. The aim of reclaiming political agency is rooted in our belief that we, Syrian civic actors, have to actively participate in shaping all tracks that can lead to a political solution, as protected by the same UNSC Resolution. We are a value-based constituency working towards a state that upholds human rights, freedoms, and the rule of law. Our organisations are guided by this vision, and we strive to actively participate in decision-making platforms to ensure the actions of various political and international actors align with this vision. 

Madaniya 2023 Conference Highlight

Get a closer look at the video highlights that emerged from Madaniya’s 2023 conference

Madaniya 2023 Conference Closing Statement

Watch Madaniya’s full closing statement

Read Madaniya’s Press Release

Read Madaniya’s Closing Statement

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Madaniya 2023 Conference Photographs

Find all photographs from Madaniya’s Inaugural Conference 2023 at the Institue Du Monde Arabe in Paris 

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